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Fang Chunfa, Chairman of CGN Capital Holdings, and his delegation visited EIC Chuangu for inspection and exchange

Release Date: April 12, 2024 Visit: 64



Subsequently, Chairman Fang and his entourage came to the Wuxi headquarters of Diantou Chuangu to have a discussion and exchange with our company's reception team, focusing on understanding the company's current business development, including financing, project progress, and ongoing marketing and sales work. Chairman Fang is optimistic about the development strategy of EIC Chuangu, and said that as an original shareholder, he looks forward to joint development in the future, achieving industrial synergy, technological synergy, capital empowerment, strengthening cooperation, and achieving mutual benefit and win-win results.

At the symposium, Chairman Huang Xinming expressed his gratitude to CGN for its strong support. He said that with the strong capital support of CGN Group, CPIC Chuangu would quickly become bigger and stronger and give full play to the company's own technological and industrial advantages. , continue to focus on the development and application of ultra-efficient heterojunction (HJT) solar cells and module technology and large-scale production of products, innovative technologies and innovative products, and work hand in hand with CGN to develop and construct new energy power stations and promote the clean energy industry head to the World.

At the symposium, Chairman Huang Xinming expressed his gratitude to CGN for its strong support. He said that with the strong capital support of CGN Group, CPIC Chuangu would quickly become bigger and stronger and give full play to the company's own technological and industrial advantages. , continue to focus on the development and application of ultra-efficient heterojunction (HJT) solar cells and module technology and large-scale production of products, innovative technologies and innovative products, and work hand in hand with CGN to develop and construct new energy power stations and promote the clean energy industry head to the World.

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