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EIC Chuangu and TUV Süd conduct three-system internal auditor training

Release Date: February 05, 2024 Visit: 53

Quality is the lifeline of an enterprise. The management concepts and management specifications in the quality system promote the further improvement of the enterprise's management level from the manufacturing side. In order to standardize the management of the ISO system, improve the practical ability of system operation, reduce corporate operation risks, and seize future development opportunities, EIC recently invited training teachers from TUV Süd to the company to conduct a four-day internal auditor training.

Before the training, Chairman Huang Xinming of EIC Chuangu gave a mobilization speech for the internal auditor training of the three-system management and asked the colleagues participating in the training to cherish this training opportunity and truly think about what they have learned and gain something from what they have learned. , apply what you have learned.

In the first three days of the training, TUV SÜD training teachers focused closely on ISO standards, starting from the three major system standards of "ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System", "ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System", and "ISO45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System" Starting from the beginning, focusing on promoting the process method and risk-based thinking, the standard's "organizational environment", "stakeholder needs and expectations", "leadership", "planning", "support and operation", and "performance evaluation" were explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. ” and “continuous improvement” and other aspects. At the end of the training, the training teacher also combined his rich teaching theory and on-site management experience to deeply analyze the auditing knowledge and skills of the system. In the training class, the trainees from EITIC Chuangu discussed in groups and spoke enthusiastically. After the course, the trainees were organized to conduct an assessment test. After passing the assessment, the CCAA management system internal auditor certificate will be issued.

Through this training, the depth and breadth of the EITIC Chuangu trainees' understanding of the three-system management work was strengthened, and the key points and improvement directions in the subsequent three-system work were clarified, providing a basis for the subsequent internal audit work and improvement of the management level of the company. A strong guarantee.

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